Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Education

Article 7 (1) of the Wyoming constitution states that "The legislature shall provide for the establishment and maintenance of a complete and uniform system of public instruction, embracing free elementary schools of every needed kind and grade, a university with such technical and professional departments as the public good may require." Indeed, Wyoming has many excellent schools that have been nationally recognized. Continued support for Wyoming education should remain a priority, and recommendations by independent review panels to keep schools properly funded should be adopted by our legislature.

Wyoming's dedication to education is reflected in the state's community colleges and the University of Wyoming. Their relatively low tuition, combined with Governor Dave Freudenthal's Hathaway Scholarship, enable the majority of Wyomingites to obtain a high-quality education without accruing crippling debt. In this, Wyoming should be seen as an example to the rest of the country: a state in which education is viewed as a worthwhile investment and where funding for scientific and other disciplines is a priority.
